What is Ubuntu? A Beginner’s Guide to Ubuntu Linux Distro

Learn what is Ubuntu, its history, and its importance in the world of computing, servers and web hosting. Explore the basics, features, and reasons behind its popularity.

Ubuntu Logo

Ubuntu, an African word meaning “humanity to others,” is more than just a philosophical concept; it’s a dynamic operating system rooted in the open-source movement. If you’ve delved into the realm of computing, especially in contexts where alternative OS options to mainstream choices like Windows or macOS are discussed, you’ve likely come across Ubuntu. It is a flavor or “distribution” of the Linux operating system, seamlessly blending the power of Linux with a user-friendly interface. Many are drawn to it for various reasons, ranging from its strong security measures to its adaptability in diverse computing environments.

This introductory guide will serve as your compass, navigating you through the vibrant world of Ubuntu. From understanding its foundation to its distinctive features and its place in the broader Linux ecosystem, by the end of this article, you’ll have a solid grasp of what Ubuntu is and why it matters. Moreover, we’ll elucidate why many individuals and businesses alike are opting for Ubuntu over other OS options. If you’re curious about the nuances between Ubuntu and Linux, or if you wish to explore the advantages and challenges of integrating Ubuntu into your tech repertoire, you’re in the right place.

Whether you’re a tech aficionado, an IT professional, or someone merely intrigued by the ever-evolving tech world, this introduction promises to enrich your understanding.

Let’s get started!

Key Takeaways

  • Embodying open-source principles, Ubuntu prioritizes user experience and community collaboration, distinguishing itself from other operating systems.
  • Beyond its core functionalities, Ubuntu offers an extensive software repository and stringent security measures, catering to a broad user base.
  • Originating from humble beginnings, Canonical’s consistent support has ensured Ubuntu’s position as a leading Linux distribution over time.
  • While rooted in Linux, Ubuntu presents unique advantages, particularly when juxtaposed against giants like Windows, particularly in terms of user-friendliness and efficiency.
  • With its myriad versions, flavors, and specialized distributions, Ubuntu caters to everyone, from casual users to enterprises and developers.

Features and Capabilities of Ubuntu

Ubuntu is a versatile operating system with a user-friendly interface rooted in its GNOME desktop environment and open-source principles. It boasts a vast software ecosystem, from the comprehensive Ubuntu Software Center to essential pre-installed tools, all backed by regular security updates and advanced protection features. This combination of accessibility, software variety, and robust security makes Ubuntu a preferred choice in diverse computing environments.

Core Features

  1. User-friendly Interface: At the heart of Ubuntu’s design philosophy is its intuitive and clean user interface, known as the GNOME desktop environment. It offers an uncomplicated experience, making it accessible for those transitioning from other operating systems like Windows or macOS.
  2. Open-source Nature: As a derivative of the Linux kernel, Ubuntu thrives on the principles of open-source. This means its source code is freely available, encouraging innovation, customization, and transparent development.
  3. LTS Releases: Ubuntu operates on a predictable release cycle, with Long Term Support (LTS) versions released every two years. These LTS versions guarantee five years of security updates, ensuring long-term stability for users and businesses.
  4. Cross-platform Compatibility: Ubuntu’s adaptable architecture supports desktops, web servers, cloud systems, and even IoT devices. This versatility is a testament to its comprehensive design approach.

Available Software and Applications

  1. Software Center: Ubuntu comes with its software management tool, the Ubuntu Software Center. This platform allows users to browse, install, and manage thousands of applications with a few clicks.
  2. Pre-installed Software: Out of the box, Ubuntu is ready for immediate productivity. It includes essential software like LibreOffice (a comprehensive office suite), Thunderbird (for email), and Firefox (a web browser).
  3. Diverse Software Repository: The vast repositories encompassing the Ubuntu ecosystem mean that whether you need graphics tools, audio editors, or server utilities, there’s likely an application ready for installation.

Security and Privacy Features

  1. Built-in Firewall: Ubuntu is equipped with the Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW), a user-friendly front-end for managing iptables (the primary tool for network communications management).
  2. Regular Security Updates: Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, ensures that the OS receives regular security patches, keeping systems protected against the latest threats.
  3. SELinux Integration: Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is integrated into Ubuntu, providing enhanced management capabilities for access controls.
  4. Encrypted Home Folders: Users have the option to encrypt their home directories, ensuring that personal and sensitive data remain private and secure, even in multi-user setups.
  5. AppArmor: Another feather in Ubuntu’s security cap, AppArmor is a security module that allows the system administrator to restrict programs’ capabilities with per-program profiles.

With its robust set of features, Ubuntu stands as a formidable player in the OS landscape. From user-centric design to strong security paradigms, it’s evident why Ubuntu continues to gain traction in diverse computing environments.

Understanding Ubuntu: History and Development

Ubuntu, initiated by Mark Shuttleworth in 2004, aimed to deliver a free and superior Linux distribution derived from the Debian project. Canonical Ltd, founded by Shuttleworth, has since been instrumental in Ubuntu’s evolution, providing commercial support and driving its expansion beyond desktops to diverse platforms. Ubuntu’s predictable biannual release cycle, complemented by its LTS versions, emphasizes both innovation and long-term stability for its users.

Ubuntu history

Early Beginnings

Ubuntu’s genesis traces back to 2004, pioneered by Mark Shuttleworth, a South African entrepreneur with a penchant for open-source innovation. With the fundamental idea of creating a free, accessible, and high-quality Linux distribution, Ubuntu emerged from the Debian project’s depths. This development aimed to present an OS that strikes a harmonious balance between cutting-edge features and stability. Over the years, Ubuntu has grown immensely, capturing the essence of user-centricity and the spirit of the Linux community.

Canonical’s Role in Ubuntu

Soon after Ubuntu’s inception, Mark Shuttleworth established Canonical Ltd. Canonical’s overarching mission was to offer commercial support for Ubuntu, thereby bolstering its adoption across enterprises and individual users. Under Canonical’s aegis, Ubuntu has seen transformative enhancements, expanding its footprint beyond desktops to servers, clouds, and even IoT devices. Canonical’s unwavering commitment ensures that Ubuntu remains at the vanguard of open-source technology, with initiatives like Snap and Juju signifying their innovative strides.

Release Cycle and Versions

A distinct feature that sets Ubuntu apart in the Linux domain is its predictable release cycle. Adhering to a biannual cadence, Ubuntu versions emerge in April and October, marked by their unique YY.MM format. For instance, 20.04 represents the release from April 2020. Alongside these standard releases, Ubuntu offers Long Term Support versions every two years, ensuring five years of updates and security patches. This LTS feature underscores Ubuntu’s commitment to stability and long-term reliability, especially favored in business environments where consistency is paramount.

Ubuntu vs. Other Systems

Ubuntu is a prominent distribution of the Linux kernel, distinguished by its user-friendly interface and vast software repositories. When compared to Windows, Ubuntu stands out with its open-source nature, enhanced security, superior performance on older hardware, cost-effectiveness, and a growing library of native applications.

Feature/Aspect Ubuntu Windows Generic Linux
Source Model Open Source Proprietary Open Source
Cost Free License required for some editions Mostly free, varies by distribution
Customizability High Limited Varies, typically high
Default User Interface GNOME (with variations in flavors) Windows GUI Dependent on distribution (GNOME, KDE, XFCE, etc.)
Software Repository Ubuntu Center, apt Microsoft Store Varies (e.g., yum, pacman, apt)
Security High (SELinux, AppArmor) High (Windows Defender) Varies, generally high
Support Duration (LTS) 5 years Varies (generally 10 years for enterprise editions) Varies by distribution
Enterprise Support Available through Canonical Available through Microsoft Varies (e.g., Red Hat for RHEL)

Comparing Ubuntu and Linux

At its core, Ubuntu is a distribution (or ‘distro’) of Linux. While many conflate the two terms, treating them interchangeably, there are distinct differences between “pure” Linux and its numerous distributions, with Ubuntu being one of the most notable.

Linux, in its essence, is a kernel – the fundamental component of an operating system that manages hardware resources and facilitates communication between the hardware and software. On the other hand, a Linux distribution is a complete package, containing the Linux kernel, a bundle of software applications, drivers, and additional tools that render the OS usable right out of the box. Think of Linux as the foundation and Ubuntu as one of the many houses built atop this foundation.

However, what sets Ubuntu apart from other distributions is its commitment to user-friendliness, expansive software repositories, and active community support. While other Linux distros may require more technical know-how, Ubuntu strives to be accessible, even to those transitioning from more mainstream OS environments.

Ubuntu’s Edge Over Windows

When we juxtapose Ubuntu with Windows, several advantages emerge, underscoring why many tech enthusiasts and enterprises are gravitating towards the former.

  1. Open Source Nature: Unlike Windows, Ubuntu is open source, offering a transparent and modifiable codebase. This ensures greater flexibility and customization, allowing users to tweak and modify the system to their specific requirements.
  2. Security: Ubuntu’s Linux underpinning boasts a robust security architecture. It’s less vulnerable to malware, viruses, and ransomware, primarily because of its lesser market share and its permission-based system, which restricts unauthorized actions.
  3. Performance: Ubuntu, especially its lighter flavors like Lubuntu or Xubuntu, can rejuvenate older hardware, making it more responsive than when running on Windows.
  4. Cost: Arguably one of its most attractive features, Ubuntu is free. While Windows licenses can be costly, especially for business editions, Ubuntu ensures high performance without the price tag.
  5. Compatibility and Software: With the proliferation of open-source software and the ever-growing Linux community, there is a surge in native Linux applications. Moreover, software like Wine makes it feasible to run Windows applications on Ubuntu, bridging the compatibility gap.

However, it’s crucial to understand that each operating system, whether it’s Ubuntu, Windows, or another Linux distribution, has its unique strengths tailored for specific user requirements and scenarios. Whether you’re an IT security specialist or a casual user, the decision hinges on your needs, preferences, and the tasks you envisage accomplishing.

Advantages of Using Ubuntu

Ubuntu offers an unparalleled user-friendly experience, especially for those transitioning to Linux, making it accessible to both novices and professionals. As an open-source platform, it embodies transparency and freedom, fostering innovation while ensuring security and cost savings. Its core, rooted in the Linux kernel, promises stellar performance and efficiency, even on limited hardware resources.

Advantage Category Description
User-friendliness Intuitive GUI, seamless software installations, and pre-packaged essential tools for immediate use.
Open Source Benefits Unparalleled transparency, customization, community-driven development, and heightened security.
Performance and Efficiency Lean performance, efficient memory use, and hardware compatibility even on older systems.
Security Features Less susceptibility to malware, regular updates, and a robust permissions system.
Cost-Effective Solution Free for download, share, and installation, reducing IT costs for both individuals and businesses.
Extensive Software Repository Access to a vast repository of free and diverse software through the package manager.
Active and Supportive Community An engaged user base offering assistance, troubleshooting, and guidance to new and existing users.
Flexibility across Platforms Consistency across desktops, servers, IoT devices, and mobile platforms.


One of the hallmarks of Ubuntu is its user-friendly interface and functionality. Built with both novices and seasoned users in mind, its GUI (Graphical User Interface) is intuitive, making tasks like software installations, file searches, and system settings adjustments straightforward. For instance, the Ubuntu Software Center offers a seamless application installation process, eliminating the need for complex command-line procedures. Additionally, the OS comes pre-packaged with essential software like LibreOffice and Firefox, ensuring users have the necessary tools from the get-go.

Open Source Benefits

Being open-source, Ubuntu offers unparalleled transparency, customization, and community-driven development. This means that any individual or organization can view, modify, and distribute the source code. This level of transparency ensures higher security as vulnerabilities are quickly spotted and rectified by the vast global community. Moreover, the ability to customize Ubuntu down to its core allows businesses and advanced users to tailor the OS to their specific needs. For instance, if an enterprise requires particular functionalities or security protocols, they can easily tweak Ubuntu’s source code to accommodate these specifications.

Performance and Efficiency

Ubuntu is well-regarded for its lean performance, efficient memory usage, and compatibility with a wide range of hardware. Even older computer systems that struggle to run newer versions of mainstream operating systems can often operate Ubuntu without hitches. This is exemplified by the existence of flavors like Lubuntu and Xubuntu, specifically designed for low-spec hardware without compromising on functionality. Furthermore, Ubuntu’s boot and processing speeds are commendable, ensuring that tasks are executed promptly. It also handles multitasking seamlessly, thanks to its robust Linux kernel, making it suitable for both personal and professional use.

Security Features

Ubuntu’s foundation on the Linux kernel brings along inherent security benefits. The operating system is less susceptible to malware, viruses, and phishing attacks compared to other mainstream OSs. Its permissions and user privilege system create a barrier for unauthorized access. Furthermore, Ubuntu receives regular security updates, often on a monthly basis, which ensures that the system remains resilient against newly identified threats.

Cost-Effective Solution

A significant advantage of Ubuntu is that it’s free. Unlike other operating systems that may require licenses or subscription fees, Ubuntu can be downloaded, shared, and installed on multiple machines without incurring additional costs. This makes it an economical choice for both individual users and businesses, reducing IT expenditure in the long run.

Extensive Software Repository

Ubuntu boasts a vast repository of software available through its package manager. Users can access thousands of applications, tools, and utilities, many of which are free. From graphics editors like GIMP to database tools like MySQL, the extensive software libraries ensure that users don’t have to search externally for necessary software.

Active and Supportive Community

Ubuntu’s community is one of its strongest assets. Being one of the most popular Linux distributions, it has an active forum and user base ready to assist newcomers with queries, troubleshooting issues, and offering advice. This active engagement means that users, even those new to Linux, can easily find guidance and support when needed.

Flexibility across Platforms

Ubuntu is not just limited to desktops or laptops. Its flexibility extends to servers (Ubuntu Server), IoT devices (Ubuntu Core), and even mobile with Ubuntu Touch. This cross-platform consistency ensures that businesses or users invested in the Ubuntu ecosystem can have a unified experience across varying device types.

Drawbacks and Limitations of Ubuntu

While Ubuntu is celebrated for its numerous advantages, it’s essential to highlight its limitations, ensuring users possess a well-rounded understanding before adopting this OS. No operating system is without its challenges, and Ubuntu, despite its many strengths, is no exception.

Limitation Category Description
Software Compatibility Concerns Lack of native support for many popular software applications, necessitating alternative programs or solutions.
Gaming Limitations Not all blockbuster games are optimized or even available on Ubuntu compared to platforms like Windows.
Hardware Integration Hiccups Potential issues with proprietary drivers for modern hardware components, leading to suboptimal performance.
Steep Learning Curve for Some Transition challenges for newcomers, especially those familiar with other OS platforms.
Commercial Support Limitations Reliance on community forums or third-party providers, lacking the robustness of official channels.
Fragmentation Across Linux Distros Lack of standardization across distributions, sometimes resulting in compatibility issues.
Proprietary Software Restrictions Doesn’t always include proprietary software, potentially requiring manual installations for some users.
Less Intuitive for Basic Users Potentially more complicated steps or unfamiliar processes for basic tasks.
Compatibility with Latest Hardware Releases Delays in support for niche or cutting-edge technologies, causing potential compatibility issues.

Software Compatibility Concerns

One of the most frequently cited drawbacks of Ubuntu is its software compatibility. Ubuntu does not natively support many popular software applications that are readily available on platforms like Windows or macOS. For example, graphic designers or video editors who rely on Adobe Creative Suite might find it challenging to operate without native versions of Photoshop, Illustrator, or Premiere Pro. Although there are alternative programs like GIMP for photo editing or DaVinci Resolve for video editing, these can sometimes fall short of the comprehensive tools offered by industry-standard software. Additionally, while solutions such as Wine enable users to run Windows-based applications on Ubuntu, the experience might not be as smooth or stable as running the software on its native platform.

Gaming Limitations

Although the Linux gaming community has grown significantly, particularly with the support of platforms like Steam, Ubuntu still doesn’t match the gaming capabilities of Windows. Many blockbuster games release exclusively for Windows or prioritize Windows for performance optimization. While Ubuntu users can enjoy games through Steam’s Proton or tools like PlayOnLinux, there’s still a noticeable disparity in the number of games available. For instance, gamers keen on playing the latest AAA titles might find that they release later on Ubuntu, if at all.

Hardware Integration Hiccups

Ubuntu’s open-source framework doesn’t always align seamlessly with the proprietary drivers of modern hardware components. Users might find that newer graphic cards, sound systems, or unique peripherals might not be immediately recognized or function optimally. A typical scenario might involve someone purchasing the latest graphics card only to discover driver support is lacking or buggy on Ubuntu, hindering performance or features.

Steep Learning Curve for Some

Transitioning to Ubuntu from a different operating system, especially for those accustomed to Windows or macOS, can initially be challenging. The user interface, the file structure, and the emphasis on terminal commands can be overwhelming. For example, something as seemingly simple as installing a new software might require a series of terminal commands instead of the familiar point-and-click method. While this allows for greater control and customization, it can be daunting for newcomers.

Commercial Support Limitations

While Ubuntu’s community is robust, providing forums, tutorials, and solutions for various issues, commercial support is not as comprehensive. Unlike Windows or macOS, where official customer service channels exist and are readily available, Ubuntu users often rely on community forums or third-party providers for troubleshooting. This means that businesses or individuals requiring immediate and official technical support might find solutions slower to come by or, in some cases, not available at all.

Fragmentation Across Linux Distros

The vast number of Linux distributions available means that there isn’t always a standardized experience. While Ubuntu is one of the most popular distros, applications, tools, or fixes that work for one might not necessarily work for another. For instance, a software package tailored for Fedora or CentOS might require tweaks and adjustments to function correctly on Ubuntu. This fragmentation can sometimes lead to confusion or additional work to achieve compatibility.

Proprietary Software Restrictions

Given Ubuntu’s commitment to free and open-source software, it doesn’t always support or include proprietary software by default. For multimedia enthusiasts, this might mean codecs for certain video or audio formats aren’t immediately available, necessitating manual installations. It’s a philosophy that ensures freedom and transparency but can occasionally inconvenience those needing specific proprietary tools.

Less Intuitive for Basic Users

While tech-savvy individuals might appreciate Ubuntu’s flexibility and command-line tools, less tech-oriented users may find its environment less intuitive compared to the straightforward interfaces of macOS or Windows. Basic tasks, like connecting to a printer or adjusting settings, might involve more steps or unfamiliar processes, potentially deterring some users.

Compatibility with Latest Hardware Releases

New hardware, particularly specialized components or cutting-edge technologies, might have a delay in support on Ubuntu. While mainstream hardware components like processors or graphics cards generally receive timely support, niche or brand-new market entrants might not immediately be compatible. For instance, early adopters of new technology might find they have to wait for driver releases or community solutions to fully utilize their hardware on an Ubuntu system.

Versions and Flavors of Ubuntu

Ubuntu’s versatility and adaptability are evident in its wide array of versions and flavors, each tailored for specific user needs and hardware configurations. Understanding the differences among these variants will not only enable informed decision-making but also enhance the user experience.

Category Version/Flavor Description
Main Versions Ubuntu Desktop Engineered for personal computers with a sleek graphical user interface.
Ubuntu Server Optimized for business infrastructures, without a default graphical interface.
Ubuntu Core Designed for IoT devices and container deployments with a security emphasis.
Specialized Distributions Ubuntu Cloud Tailored for cloud computing and integration with popular cloud services.
Ubuntu for Raspberry Pi Brings the power of Ubuntu to the Raspberry Pi single-board computer.
Current Flavors Kubuntu KDE Plasma Workspace with Qt toolkit for a contemporary system.
Lubuntu Prioritizes speed and efficiency; originally LXDE, transitioned to LXQt since 18.10 release.
Ubuntu Budgie Emphasizes simplicity with the Budgie desktop environment; panel-centric, menu-driven system.
Ubuntu Kylin Designed for the global Chinese-speaking audience; intuitive for prior Windows users.
Ubuntu MATE Features the classic MATE desktop; offers a conventional desktop ambiance.
Ubuntu Studio Multimedia-centric variant for audio, video, and graphic enthusiasts.
Xubuntu Features the lightweight Xfce desktop; balances elegance with user-friendliness.
Edubuntu Designed for educational settings; includes child-friendly applications and games.
Ubuntu Unity Features the Unity desktop, replaced by GNOME in Ubuntu 17.10.
Ubuntu Cinnamon Combines Linux Mint’s Cinnamon Desktop with Ubuntu for a rich experience.
Deprecated Flavors Gobuntu Strict stance on free software, OS composed solely of such applications.
Mythbuntu Integrated MythTV; focused on creating a PVR system; ended after 16.04 Xenial Xerus release.
Kubuntu Netbook Remix Featured a KDE Plasma 4 environment optimized for netbook devices.
Kubuntu Mobile Offered a mobile-adapted KDE desktop experience.
Ubuntu GNOME Community-backed flavor with GNOME Shell; last release in 16.04 Xenial Xerus as GNOME became default in 17.10.

Desktop, Server, Core

  • Ubuntu Desktop: As the name implies, this version is engineered for personal computers. Ubuntu Desktop boasts a sleek graphical user interface and an abundance of pre-installed software, making it a favorite among those new to Linux as well as experienced users seeking a streamlined experience.
  • Ubuntu Server: Tailored for business infrastructures, Ubuntu Server does not come with a graphical interface by default. Instead, it offers optimized server tools and solutions for data centers, scalable computing, and enterprise-grade security.
  • Ubuntu Core: A lightweight variant of Ubuntu, Core is designed for IoT devices and large container deployments. With a minimalist approach and an emphasis on security, it ensures that devices run efficiently and securely in interconnected environments.

Specialized Distributions

Beyond the standard offerings, Ubuntu provides specialized distributions to cater to niche requirements:

  • Ubuntu Cloud: Ideal for those looking to scale operations in cloud environments, this distribution is tailored for cloud computing and offers seamless integration with popular cloud services.
  • Ubuntu for Raspberry Pi: Leveraging the capabilities of the Raspberry Pi, this version brings the power of Ubuntu to the renowned single-board computer, fostering innovation and creativity.

Current Flavors of Ubuntu

Diverse needs necessitate diverse solutions. Hence, Ubuntu’s flavors, built on the same core system, come with different environments and software packages:

  • Kubuntu.Delivering the KDE Plasma Workspace atop the robust Ubuntu core, Kubuntu employs the Qt toolkit to present a contemporary, appealing, and steadfast system for both personal and professional use.
  • Lubuntu. Lubuntu, originally featuring LXDE, has transitioned to LXQt since the 18.10 “Cosmic Cuttlefish” release. This variant prioritizes speed and efficiency, catering to those with older hardware or those seeking a swift operating experience.
  • Ubuntu Budgie. Emphasizing simplicity and grace, Ubuntu Budgie integrates the Budgie desktop environment. Its interface leans towards a classic desktop paradigm, using an adjustable, panel-centric, menu-driven system.
  • Ubuntu Kylin. With a mission to craft an Ubuntu version tailored for the global Chinese-speaking audience, especially prior Windows users, Ubuntu Kylin promises an intuitive experience right from the start.
  • Ubuntu MATE. Ubuntu MATE brings the classic MATE desktop, succeeding the GNOME 2 environment – Ubuntu’s standard until the 10.10 “Maverick Meerkat” release. It seeks to blend Ubuntu’s finesse with a conventional desktop ambiance.
  • Ubuntu Studio. As a multimedia-centric variant, Ubuntu Studio is crafted for audio, video, and graphic enthusiasts, both hobbyists and professionals alike.
  • Xubuntu. Merging elegance with user-friendliness, Xubuntu integrates the lightweight Xfce desktop, ensuring a balanced and intuitive environment.
  • Edubuntu. Catering specifically to educational settings, Edubuntu encompasses child-friendly applications and games, facilitating quick classroom setups.
  • Ubuntu Unity. Ubuntu Unity retains the Unity desktop, a user-favorite by Canonical, which saw its replacement by GNOME in Ubuntu 17.10.
  • Ubuntu Cinnamon. Merging Linux Mint’s Cinnamon Desktop with the robustness of Ubuntu, this flavor delivers a feature-rich and snappy experience.

Deprecated Flavors

  • Gobuntu. Gobuntu maintained a strict stance on free software, offering an OS composed solely of such applications.
  • Mythbuntu. Aimed at integrating MythTV into a minimal Ubuntu framework, Mythbuntu focused on creating a PVR system using conventional computer hardware. However, after its 16.04 Xenial Xerus release, its journey as an official Ubuntu flavor ended in November 2016.
  • Kubuntu Netbook Remix. This flavor featured a KDE Plasma 4 environment optimized explicitly for netbook devices.
  • Kubuntu Mobile. Kubuntu Mobile provided a mobile-adapted KDE desktop experience.
  • Ubuntu GNOME. Ubuntu GNOME, a community-backed flavor, featured the GNOME Shell over Unity, bundled with GTK+ 3 applications. With GNOME becoming Ubuntu’s default from 17.10 Artful Aardvark, Ubuntu GNOME saw its last release in 16.04 Xenial Xerus.

Ubuntu’s diverse versions and flavors underscore its commitment to catering to a broad spectrum of user needs. Whether you’re a casual user, a tech enthusiast, or an enterprise, there’s an Ubuntu variant tailored for you.

Default Software Versions in Different Ubuntu Releases

For server administrators and web hosting professionals, knowing the default software versions bundled with various Ubuntu Long-Term Support releases is critical. Below is a comparative list of key server and web hosting software across these Ubuntu LTS versions.

Software Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr)
Apache 2.4.52 2.4.41 2.4.29 2.4.18 2.4.7
NGINX 1.18.0 1.17.10 1.14.0 1.10.3 1.4.6
MySQL 8.0.34 8.0.19 5.7.25 5.7.12 5.5.41
PHP 8.1 7.4.3 7.2.24 7.0.33 5.5.9
Python 3.10.6 3.8.2 3.6.9 3.5.1 3.4.0
PostgreSQL 14.9 12.2 10.3 9.5 9.3
MariaDB 10.6 10.3 10.1 10.0 5.5 (via external repo)
Perl 5.34.0 5.30.0 5.26.1 5.22.1 5.18.2
Ruby 3.0 2.7.0 2.5.1 2.3.1 1.9.3
Node.js 12.22.9 (via external repo) 10.19.0 (via external repo) 8.10.0 (via external repo) 4.2.6 (via external repo) 0.10.25 (via external repo)
Bind (DNS) 9.18.12 9.16.1 9.11.3 9.10.3 9.9.5
Vsftpd (FTP) 3.0.5 3.0.3 3.0.3 3.0.3 3.0.2
Exim (Mail) 4.95 4.94 4.91 4.86.2 4.82
Dovecot 2.3.16 2.2.22 2.2.9
Fail2ban 0.11.2 0.11.1 0.10.2 0.9.3 0.8.11

Installation Process

The Ubuntu installation process involves downloading a verified ISO image of the desired version and creating bootable media for setup. Once initiated, the terminal offers advanced users granular control over the installation, from partitioning to troubleshooting using specific commands.


The term “ISO” refers to the International Organization for Standardization, which has become synonymous with the specific format of optical disk image files used for distributing large software packages, like operating systems. For Ubuntu:

  1. Downloading the ISO: Start by obtaining the latest version of the Ubuntu ISO image from the official website. The ISO file will contain the complete Ubuntu OS ready for installation.
  2. Choosing the Correct Version: Depending on your requirements, different editions of Ubuntu are available. This could be the standard desktop version, Ubuntu for Cloud, or a flavor more suited to servers like Ubuntu Server.
  3. Verifying ISO Integrity: It’s a good practice to verify the ISO image’s integrity after downloading. This ensures that the file hasn’t been tampered with and is free from corruption. Typically, an SHA256 checksum is provided alongside the ISO for this purpose.
  4. Creation of Bootable Media: The downloaded ISO image then needs to be ‘burned’ onto a USB drive or DVD to create a bootable installation medium. Tools like balenaEtcher or Rufus are popular for this step.


The terminal is an integral part of Linux-based operating systems like Ubuntu. When it comes to the installation process, the terminal can offer a more hands-on, granular control:

  1. Starting Terminal from Live Session: After booting from your bootable media, you can access the terminal even before installing Ubuntu. This can be useful for troubleshooting or setting up specific partitions manually.
  2. Command-Based Installation with ‘Ubiquity’: While Ubuntu typically offers a graphical installer, you can also use the terminal for installation. The command ubiquity launches the installer. Advanced users might opt for this to customize their installation further.
  3. Partitioning Using Terminal: Using commands like fdisk or parted, you can manage and set up disk partitions for your Ubuntu installation directly from the terminal. This offers a high degree of control, especially for creating complex disk layouts or setting up RAID configurations.
  4. Post-Installation Setup: Once Ubuntu is installed, the terminal becomes a primary tool for installing software, updating the system, and performing administrative tasks. Commands like sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade help keep your system updated, while sudo apt install (software-name) lets you quickly install applications.
  5. Troubleshooting and Logs: Should any issues arise during installation, the terminal provides a way to access logs and diagnose the problem. The dmesg command, for instance, can provide insights into hardware-related issues or driver conflicts.

Software and Application Ecosystem

Ubuntu isn’t just a revolutionary OS; it’s also an extensive software ecosystem that enhances the user experience. A vast array of applications—both default and externally sourced—coupled with a dedicated software store, ensures users have a well-rounded and adaptable system at their fingertips.

Default and Available Software

Right out of the box, Ubuntu is pre-loaded with a suite of utilities and applications, thoughtfully curated to cater to everyday needs. From the LibreOffice suite—a powerful open-source alternative to Microsoft Office—to Firefox, a robust web browser, Ubuntu ensures immediate usability post-installation. Also, default system utilities like GNOME Terminal, Nautilus (file manager), and Thunderbird Mail streamline daily computing tasks.

Beyond these in-built offerings, Ubuntu’s true prowess lies in its capacity to incorporate a diverse range of software. Its Linux foundation means that it can run almost any Linux-compatible application. This adaptability is further bolstered by PPAs (Personal Package Archives), which let users add specific software repositories to access and install from an expanded software catalog.

If you’re transitioning from other OS ecosystems, you’ll appreciate the availability of crossover applications on Ubuntu. Tools like GIMP and VLC, popular on platforms like Windows and macOS, are equally at home on Ubuntu.

And for web developers, platforms like Apache, Nginx, MySQL, and PHP integrate seamlessly, making Ubuntu an excellent choice for VPS, Cloud, and Dedicated Server hosting environments.

Ubuntu Software Center

Apart from direct software installations, Ubuntu simplifies software discovery and management with its dedicated Software Center. Think of it as Ubuntu’s answer to app stores in other ecosystems. This user-friendly interface allows for quick browsing, installation, and management of thousands of applications.

Navigating the Software Center, users can explore categories like productivity, entertainment, and development tools, ensuring a holistic computing experience. Moreover, the Center prioritizes safety. Before making their way to the store, applications undergo rigorous security checks. It’s this balance between versatility and safety that positions Ubuntu as a top choice for those valuing a rich yet secure software landscape.

For those interested in exploring further, many cloud hosting services now offer Ubuntu-based environments, testament to its adaptability and comprehensive software support.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Ubuntu

With Ubuntu’s strong foothold in the domain of open-source operating systems, speculating on its future trajectory is both intriguing and essential for tech enthusiasts, developers, and businesses. The dynamism inherent in the open-source community ensures constant evolution, positioning Ubuntu at the forefront of several anticipated changes and advancements.

Upcoming Changes

  1. Revamped User Interface: As user experience continues to dominate software development priorities, expect Ubuntu to usher in more intuitive and adaptive UI elements. Canonical, the driving force behind Ubuntu, has shown keen interest in leveraging emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, to tailor interfaces to user preferences dynamically.
  2. Integration with Advanced Technologies: The rise of IoT, AI, ML, robotics, edge computing, and cloud infrastructure beckons enhanced compatibility. Future Ubuntu distributions might be tailored to offer out-of-the-box solutions for these emerging tech realms.
  3. Strengthened Security: In the age of rising cyber threats, Ubuntu will likely fortify its security mechanisms. Enhanced firewall configurations, more robust intrusion detection systems, and integration with advanced encryption protocols are on the horizon.
  4. Collaborative Open Source Projects: Ubuntu’s legacy is deeply rooted in community contributions. Anticipate a surge in collaborative tools and platforms where developers worldwide can more seamlessly contribute to Ubuntu’s evolution.

Predictions in the Open Source World

  1. Consolidation of Distributions: While the Linux ecosystem is celebrated for its variety, there’s a growing sentiment favoring consolidation. A few dominant distributions, like Ubuntu, could emerge as flagbearers, setting standards for others.
  2. Open Source in Enterprise: Organizations are progressively recognizing the benefits of open-source software, from cost savings to customization. Ubuntu, with its enterprise-grade security and wide-ranging software repositories, is poised to be a preferred choice for businesses transitioning to open-source solutions.
  3. Community-driven Innovations: The heart of the open-source movement beats with community contributions. As platforms like GitHub and GitLab flourish, expect more community-driven modules, tools, and features to be integrated into mainline Ubuntu distributions.
  4. Focus on Sustainability: With global emphasis on sustainability and eco-consciousness, open-source platforms, including Ubuntu, may place higher importance on creating energy-efficient software solutions, thereby reducing the carbon footprint of digital operations.


Throughout its evolution, Ubuntu has established itself as more than just another Linux distribution. Embodying the principles of open-source, it has created an ecosystem where innovation, community involvement, and user experience converge. Whether you’re a developer, a business professional, or simply an individual passionate about technology, Ubuntu offers a diverse range of solutions tailored to varied needs.

Its strong security framework, vast software repositories, and the promise of freedom from restrictive licensing make Ubuntu a compelling choice. Furthermore, the commitment of Canonical and the global community ensures that Ubuntu remains at the forefront of technological advancements.

But beyond the technical merits lies the philosophy of Ubuntu: humanity towards others. It serves as a reminder that software, at its heart, is about people, collaboration, and shared progress. As we look towards the future, Ubuntu’s significance in the tech world is undeniable.

For those still contemplating, remember that the essence of the open-source movement is exploration and learning. Dive in, give Ubuntu a try, and you might just discover why it stands as a beacon in the vast landscape of operating systems. Embrace the world of Ubuntu, and join a community that believes in the power of collective growth and technological empowerment.

Welcome to the comments below!


  1. What exactly is Ubuntu?

    Ubuntu is an open-source operating system built upon the Debian distribution of Linux, developed and maintained by Canonical Ltd.

  2. How is Ubuntu different from other Linux distributions?

    While Ubuntu is based on Debian, it stands out due to its user-friendly interface, regular updates, and strong community support. Additionally, its integration with Snap for software deployment and unique flavors further differentiate it.

  3. What are the standout features of Ubuntu?

    Ubuntu boasts a range of features including a user-friendly interface, extensive software libraries, strong security measures, and compatibility with a wide range of hardware.

  4. How does Ubuntu’s history shape its current status?

    Ubuntu’s history of consistent community engagement, focus on user experience, and alignment with open-source values have cemented its status as a top choice among Linux distributions. Canonical’s continuous support has also played a pivotal role.

  5. How does Ubuntu compare to Windows?

    Ubuntu offers a more customizable environment, robust security, and open-source nature compared to Windows. However, Windows has a broader range of commercial software and driver support. Both cater to different user needs and preferences.

  6. Are there any drawbacks to using Ubuntu?

    Like all operating systems, Ubuntu has its challenges. Some users find software compatibility issues, especially with proprietary software, and there can be a learning curve for those new to Linux environments.

  7. What are the different versions or flavors of Ubuntu?

    Ubuntu offers various flavors tailored for different use-cases, such as Ubuntu Desktop for personal use, Ubuntu Server for businesses, and specialized flavors like Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Lubuntu, optimized for specific desktop environments.

  8. What is the future direction of Ubuntu?

    The future of Ubuntu is geared towards enhancing its cloud capabilities, improving the desktop experience, and expanding its presence in the IoT space. Continued community engagement and open-source development will drive its evolution.

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